It wasn't bad, really.
I actually kind of liked it. I have been playing video games ever since the Nintendo console system came out in '85 (I think that was when it was). Actually I started playing when I was 4, and I'm 22 now, so I started playing them since '86 even though it came out in '85 but that was because my parents didn't want to buy me one until my birthday, which just happened to be almost a year after the launch. Nonetheless, video games have been a huge part of my life, and now they are 80 percent of my career because I work on the salesfloor of electronics at my local Wal Mart selling, you guessed it, video games.
The reviews for each game were well said, though you could have used some more pictures for a few of the games so that I could have gotten a better feel for the game. Also, you never mentioned any of the online multiplayer games, and if you did, then I probably just never heard of them. You don't seem to be a big fan of FPS's because I saw no Counterstrike or Unreal Tournament in there.
It was a little freaky that the Jinjo's mouth didn't move, but I guess that makes sense because he was wearing a costume. I don't know. I'll never know. It would have been funnier if there were more games that sucked.